Mission Statement: The Altruistic Consigliere Services is a Private Membership Association (PMA) on a mission to provide service protection for persons and providers to bring them together with individuals and families to learn and share knowledge of self-care and holistic health education and concepts.
Description of the Altruistic Consigliere Services provided: The Altruistic Consigliere Services coalition partner will educate; enlighten and empower members self-sufficiency and provide self-care education through a variety of holistic, integrative, and complementary education, maintenance and realistic self-improvement goals.
Services Not Provided:
Altruistic Consigliere Services is not a private health association, is not health insurance and does not claim financial responsibility for the health of any person or for the diagnosis, treatment or resolution of any symptom or condition.
Are you tired of
waiting endlessly?
Few things are more frustrating than being told where to be and when to be there, especially when they say "be there 15 minutes early" and then they are always running 30 minutes late... Unless of course, they leave you feeling as if you have inconvenienced them with what little time of theirs that you are paying them for.
Are you tired of
not being heard?
Few things are more demoralizing than when the person you are speaking to seems preoccupied. You are worthy of being heard. We intend to actively listen to you so that we may "hear through all the noise" to get to the root of the matter affecting you, not approach you with a preconceived notion of what we think.
Are you tired of
being inconvenienced?
We understand that some things are harder than they need to be and that you deserve better. Your time is valuable to us, and so are you. We have access to Private Party Programs that will make the time for you and avail ourselves to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.
It is not our place to judge. Our job is not to figure out if someone deserves something. Our heart is to lift the fallen, to restore the broken, and to heal the hurting…
An Altruistic Consigliere will advocate for your informed autonomy and stand against medical tyranny, coercion, and the type of cookie cutter medicine that manages the symptoms of your disease, but stop short of finding holistic health for you. We invite you to become part of the new medical economy where we value you and search for holistic health solutions.